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Interface LoggerLevels

A specification of log level names and their associated priority. A lower number is given higher priority. Example:

 const levels: Levels = {
   error: 0,
   warn: 1,
   info: 2,
   debug: 3

info has a higher priority than debug, but not as high as warn. A Transport with a level of info will execute log entries on info, warn, and error levels, but not on debug.


  • LoggerLevels


[key: string]: number

A specification of log level names and their associated priority. A lower number is given higher priority. Example:

 const levels: Levels = {
   error: 0,
   warn: 1,
   info: 2,
   debug: 3

info has a higher priority than debug, but not as high as warn. A Transport with a level of info will execute log entries on info, warn, and error levels, but not on debug.